!Watch Here! Midnight Family Watch Stream
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Creator: Luke Lorentzen
duration: 81 minutes
Fer Ochoa
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Midnight Family Watch stream.nbcolympics. Esme riddle answer : Your age 😂. This is delightful. Disney CEO: “We need ideas people! Fresh ideas, new ideas!” Young ambitious employee: “What if we did all of our movies. again?”. Should've called it The Glitchy Life.
I can also eat a whole lemon it doesnt effect me either. I was expecting him to turn into a creep. Lock her in his shed and kill her. Guess he was too convincing in Dexter. The most hilarious scene ever lol whoo-whoo. Midnight Family Watch streams. Midnight Family Watch stream of consciousness. Midnight Family Watch streaming. Joe you need a tv show Or to upload way more often you're the funniest guy on youtube. Midnight family watch streaming. The family guy ones are so borrrrrring. Midnight Family Watch stream new albums. 2012 Toulouse and Montauban shootings. Audrey you lot of Trouble young lady.
Back in spring at MC II in London, I finally reached Gold pro status after a decade of chasing that goal. That timely accomplishment was not meant to last, coming in amidst a complete overall of the pro Magic scene, with the end of Pro Points and statuses as we knew them back in June. One crippling fever at MC IV in Barcelona (accompanied by some major Hogaak disrespect) and 2 WPNQ finals loss later, and I found myself with only one invite remaining, and wanted to make it count. Paris Preparation For a few years now, the French crew for every Pro Tour / MC has organized draft weekends in anticipation of premier events that featured booster Draft. We went to many iterations of the process, currently doing two drafts a day, followed each by a debrief. Early in the process, we try to focus on individual card quality and synergies, as well as color pairs identity, and slowly delve more into the actual process of the Booster Draft as the week go by. With five weeks separating the release of Throne of Eldraine and the MC, we planned to focus mainly on constructed before meeting up in Virginia, where we would mostly draft. That was not accounting for the Arena MC and it’s 46% Golos decks, which prompted a ban of Field of the Dead. Uncertain of what would be banned after the “emergency” announcement, and a potential lame duck week of MTGO and Arena, priorities were shifted and we needed to play as much limited as possible before the new format arrived so we could sprint to the finish line in constructed. Booster Draft has always been my Achille’s Heel, with a grand total of 0 draft trophies at the PT/MC in 29 tries over 17 events, so that was the easiest point for me to focus on going in MC VI. I set a goal to draft every single day before the tournament, excluding tournament and travel days, which I succeeded in doing. Draft weekends were also a big part of the process. While not being as “time efficient” as playing on MTGO, being able to share with very competent teammates and learn from them was a crucial part of improving in Limited. After Field of the Dead got the axe, all our eyes were focused on Oko. We dabbled a little bit in sacrifice decks, starting with RB, then Jund, then 4 colours (splashing for Oko) before eventually realizing that Korvold was way too weak to the Noxious Grasps that everybody started to play main deck, and we were jumping through massive hoops to just be playing subpar Sultai Food decks. With that in mind, we all flew to Richmond to meet up at a beautiful lakeside cabin for the final stretch of preparation Lakeside Bootcamp 8 (later 9) of us met up in rural Virginia in a beautiful house by a lake for the last stretch of preparation before the tournament. My travel there was a bit tumultuous. The overnight layover in New York was troubled as I couldn’t check in to my hotel in JFK on technicalities. Thankfully, Christian Calcano had my back and let me crash at his place for the night before I could catch my morning flight to Richmond. When I got to our house after lunch on Saturday, we began planning the last few miles of constructed before drafting when our 8th arrived. Since the start of 2019, we made sure that we took a moment during the day to mediate as a group. Bootcamp days can be very stressful and hectic, and arguments can turn into a shouting contest, where the last word is also the loudest. Having a calm and relaxing time as a group helped us a great deal in that regard. GP Lyon day 1 was just finished, and the stage was pretty set: with UGx food decks closing in on 50% of the field, the only serious contender that didn’t play Oko was Temur Reclamation, which both 9-0 overnight players piloted. Our French friends were also doing incredibly well piloting a Bant food deck, splashing mostly for Teferi to protect Mass Manipulation. A quick stress test of Temur Rec revealed that it was very easy to beat when you had the right tool and were expecting it, especially if you had enough Brontodon and access to either Teferi or Duress post-board. That left us with Sunday and Monday to figure out the best list to beat the food mirror, and we played exclusively Oko VS Oko in various configurations over the next 48h. Our good friend Antoine Lagarde much deservedly took down GP Lyon in the meantime with Bant, so Mass Manipulation was very much in our minds when we decided on the final list. Some of us played a couple different cards, but we mostly decided on the following list: 4 Gilded Goose 4 Paradise Druid 4 Wicked Wolf 4 Hydroid Krasis 3 Once Upon a Time 4 Noxious Grasp 4 Oko, Thief of Crowns 4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World 2 Casualties of War 1 Negate 1 Disdainful Stroke 3 Fabled Passage 2 Swamp 1 Island 7 Forest 4 Watery Grave 4 Overgrown Tomb 4 Breeding Pool Sideboard 3 Veil of Summer 2 Duress 1 Reave Soul 3 Thrashing Brontodon 1 Massacre Girl 2 Voracious Hydra 1 Aether Gust 1 Negate 1 Liliana, Dreadhorde General We initially thought that Mass Manipulation was the ultimate trump card in the “mirror”, but eventually settled for a mix of maindeck countermagic and Casualties of War which we believed had a slight edge versus the XXUUUU spell, and an enormous edge versus everything else. Casualties of War was especially interesting because it would beat every other 6 drops and could fight Mass Manipulation proactively (blowing up their mana) and reactively (by killing more stuff than they stole, letting you not being to crippled), while also being the best from behind. Our 8th player arrived on Monday night, and we put the finishing touches on limited, with a big emphasis on the actual Booster Draft during debriefing. We added the Liliana at 11. 55 PM, 5 minutes before the deadline for submission. Etienne Busson, one of our testing partner was asleep already, so I woke him up to give him the news. He looked me dead in the eyes, thought for a while and muttered "see you tommorow". After and some sweat about getting our cards (every single shop in the Richmond Area was sold out on Noxious Grasp! ), we moved to our new house in downtown Richmond to be closer to the venue on Thursday. We held a limited meeting there with all 8 of us plus our other teammates who couldn’t attend the bootcamp for the full week. We ranked every top common for each colour, as well as putting Scalding Cauldron in there for benchmark purposes. We then ranked the overall best commons and evaluated each uncommon relative to what we believe was the top common (Bake into a Pie). We repeated this for Rares & Mythics, with the added benchmark of Syr Konrad, which be believed to be the top uncommon in the set. This process was a little long but allowed us to evaluate basically every card in the set and led to some detailed and interesting discussion, which we all benefited from. You can find the final product here We had a quick diner and went to bed early. The Tournament A good-ish night’s sleep later, we went to the site and sat down for the draft. Bad news: Etienne Tehrani (yes we had 2 Etiennes with us! ), who tested with us, was sitting to my left. I quickly got over it as Scott Larabee made a very popular announcement: Every player that was Silver, Gold or Platinum after the end of the Pro Points, as well as every player that went 11-5 or better at MC Barcelona was invited for the first round of player’s tour in February. A good portion of the room, myself included, was ecstatic about the announcement, giving us all one more shot before having to start all over. This also made it much easier for me to relax and focus on the tournament at hand, rather than stressing over the future. Draft 1 I opened a pack containing a Revenge of the Ravens and not much else of the same caliber. Black has some extremely powerful first picks in the format and holds most of the top commons and uncommons, so it’s frequent to first pick them and then not receive any follow-up and having to drop it rather quickly. This was not meant to be this time, as the 2nd pack contained a Murderous Rider, which we rated above every uncommon, leaving me both confused and very happy, and giving me a strong hold on black. I suspect the player took either Edgewall Inkeeper or a white uncommon, forcing white to capitalize on players that either refuse or strongly dislike drafting white (he ended up playing mono white). In any case, that made matters trivial for me, and the following two picks, Midnight Clock and Turn into a Pumpkin (both premium cards) pushed me very easily into UB control, both colours being pretty wide open. The rest of the picks flew by, having just one interesting decision early on pack 3, picking a Fae of Wishes over the 3rd copy of Revenge of the Ravens. We spent a lot of time discussing Fae of Wishes and cards you needed to make the Advenure work well, and I happened to have both a Festive Funeral (a card that you wouldn’t want to play in the main deck but an acceptable wish target) and Enchanted Carriage+Cauldron’s Gift (creatures that technically aren’t ones). This led me to the following deck, which I was more than happy with. Unfortunately, my opponent led both games with a turn 2 Folio of the Fancy, which is nigh-unbeatable for a slow deck like mine. I had very high hopes for this deck to earn me my first PT draft trophy and losing round one made me quite flustered. Thankfully, my deck was very strong, and I won the following two matches rather comfortably. During round 2, I played a Memory Theft revealing 3 rares and a removal in my opponent's hand, a game that I won very convincingly. I ate a mediocre chicken teriyaki during the lunch break and Elk time came around Constructed 1 My first opponent wasn’t playing Oko, ergo a pretty easy win. Next up was my first mirror. Our list payed dividends, as he didn’t have Casualties of Wars and lost 4 permanents every time I drew one, once including his replacement 6 drop (Ugin). Turn 3 Nissa did get me on the draw game 2. Round 6 was very scary, as I sat down against one of the greatest players currently on the circuit: Marcio Carvalho. His list looked very similar to ours, only foregoing the (crucial) maindeck countermagic. And boy did they make all the difference, allowing me to play draw go for the first few turns, heavily punishing his failure to find an accelerant on Once Upon a time. He did keep his hand however, indicating a likely Noxious Grasp and potentially Casualties of War. I managed to wait out to protect my Nissa from the former, thanks to Negate and Disdainful Stroke protecting my dorks from the Wolf. Once I untapped with Nissa, I maximized the mana spent on my follow-up Krasis rather than developing my board to play around Casualties, which he ended up having. It was too little too late for Marcio though, and he scooped shortly after. I asked a lot of my decks, both in limited and constructed, when it came to keeping hands, and was handsomely rewarded, winning a bunch of games on a mulligan to 5. Game 2 was the first occurence in that tournament, and Duress protected my 3 lands and Oko hand. The game went back and forth for a little bit, and the Thief of crowns ended up in the bin, leaving us both hellbent on an even board. “So, first one to topdeck wins? ” said Marcio. I did. And I won. Round 7 was against Sultai once more, where my opponent’s Vraska reassured me of our choice to run none. I ignored it for the entire game, pressure his life total with my pair of Wicked Wolf. As he kept sacrificing lands, the hole was dug deeper, and he couldn’t put out a strong enough play on a limited mana after drawing 5+ cards with it. I lost game 2 on the draw again and went to 5 game 3. Thankfully, my opponent was struggling to hit land drops, and was forced to play Krasis for X=2 on turn 5 with his 3 lands and Paradise Druid. That left me a window to resolve a Liliana, -4 it to clear the board and easily win the game. Round 8 was quite the tilter, as I got a game loss for marked card. I sleeved my basic lands at a different point than the rest of my deck, and despite having taken what I thought all the necessary precautions to make sure my deck was legal, I must have mixed up sleeves at some point. That lead to judges being able to pull out my basic lands in convincing fashion. I walked back to the table fuming and made many mistakes during the one game I played against Maxwell Mick, leading to my 2nd loss of the day. We went back to our house for some greasy pizzas, and I fell asleep on the couch fully dressed, waking up after a full night’s sleep. Draft 2 My pod was about what you would expect for a day 2 Mythic Championship draft, and I sat down with Thomas Ashton, Ivan Floch, Thoralf Severin and Thomas Hendriks. My day 2 draft started with a Murderous Rider once again, followed by a Beanstalk Giant, a Trapped in the Tower and a bunch of lukewarm black cards. Towards the end of the pack, I had a though choice between a very late Ardenvale Tactician and a very late Lucky Clover. I went in the MC expecting to see white underdrafted and swearing to myself that I would switch on any late Tacticians passed to me. Lucky Clover also disappointed me numerous times, so I stuck to my guns and took the powerful flyer. The rest of the pack had some black cards and a couple of very late red cards including a Trebuchet. Then I opened a foil Garruk. I thought long and hard about picking it, especially since there was a Sundering Stroke in the booster. As the 40 seconds flew by, I remembered an advice Guillaume Matignon gave me a few months back after a rough day 2 draft at MC London: “Just keep it simple. Don’t overthink it in limited”. So Garruk it was. I was instantly rewarded with a duo of Deathless Knight’s, and the rest of the draft was pretty easy. I hate drafted a Sorcerous Spyglass to “protect” my Garruk, and probably messed up late in pack 3 when I failed to take a Return to Nature over a Lochtwain Paladin. Most of your GB decks in Eldraine limited want to play the first copy of Return to Nature in the main deck, and this was no exception, especially considering my hefty 4 mana curve. Draft 2 deck (note that Lucky Clover would have been insane in my deck but that’s rock and roll) The first game of the draft in round 9 was straightforward against my RW opponent. I was on the play, and on the few spots where a combat trick would have put me in a difficult situation, he just didn’t have it. I stabilized at a comfortable life total and was in a comfortable enough situation where I played around Faerie Guidemother+Embercleave. Back to back 10/10 Beanstalk Giants with haste thanks to Crashing Drawbridge helped me close the game quickly. Being on the draw wasn’t as easy, and I had to chump block with many creatures to ensure that I was in a situation where I could try and stabilize with my Bog Naughty, fearing again a combat trick for multiple turns. He also had a Fireborn Knight that I couldn’t throw food at, so I needed to find something. Garruk then knocked on the door. Round 10 was against the drafter I was passing to, who also happened to draft GB. I was pretty much mono black and opened a Garruk, and he was pretty much mono Green and opened a Clackbridge Troll. Unfortunately for him, he drew the short straw in that situation, and passed me 2 GB uncommons (Deathless Knight) where he didn’t get anything from me. Also, my rare beat his. That was very apparent in game 1. He tapped 5 mana, I took 8 and got 3 creatures. I tapped 6 mana, killed his troll and drew a card. I won that game. I sided in for what I expected to be a somewhat grindy GB mirror and was taken aback by his 1-2-3-Tall as a Beanstalk Curve. The card quality disparity quickly became apparent though, as I played a couple removals and a 7 drop to close out a rather one sided match. I reached the finals of my 2nd draft, and the pressure was ON! Could my 31th PT/MC draft be the first one I won? Tim Willoughby did a nice interview with me before the start of the pod finals, which you can watch here: (starts at 3h21) The last round of the draft was against a strong UW artifact/enchantment matters deck which had a ton of rare and power, but was lacking a bit in coherence, playing both All that Glitters and Midnight Clock and not one but two Folio of the Fancy! Was I going to get milled out of a trophy once again? I started to regret more and more that Return to Nature. I was on the draw for game 1, and my opponent led with a 1U rare artifact. Thank the god of Mox Opal who served me so well over my magic career, it was a Vantress Gargoyle and not the dreaded book of death. My opponent’s start was quite slow, and I was able to grind him out with ease despite him drawing seven cards with Midnight Clock. I had to change things up for game 2 drastically. I needed to be the beatdown against Folio! I sided in seven cards, including two grizzly bears Malevolent Nobles, Flaxen Intruder, Sorcerous Spyglass (Card advantage vs 2x folio! ) and some more, leaving slower cards on the bench. I went down to 5 once again, shipping two functional hands that couldn’t ever beat a Folio, and brought him to beatdown boulevard on the draw, topping the game off with a Garruk. I couldn’t believe it. It finally happened! As I mentioned earlier, Booster draft always was a weak point for me and I managed to finally break my curse, 31 tries and 10 years in the making. I swallowed a tasteless convenience store sandwich, meditated for a bit to keep my head in the game and felt ready to attack the finals rounds of swiss at 9-2. Constructed 2 I sat down on table 6 for the 5th consecutive round (you sometimes get fixed seating in draft to preserve the mystery on your opponent’s decks) across Brad Nelson, one of the last person alive I would want to play a Sultai mirror against. Once again, our list did wonders, and I was able to protect my early Nissa on the play from a Noxious Graps. Brad untapped, tapped all 6 of his mana sources which made me incredibly tense, expecting to lose my entire board to a devastating Casualties of Wars. “It’s not what you think” he reassured me, as he drew 2 cards from a Hydroid Krasis. I untapped with Nissa, played a steroid-fuelled ginormous Krasis of my own, and closed the game shortly thereafter. I got lucky again in game 2. My opening Duress showed a very reactive hand on a mulligan from him, and I was able to poke holes in his defenses and stick a Nissa. Sitting at 7 mana, Brad sighed and cast a Noxious Grasp on my Planeswalker. My only available land was a Breeding Pool to cast the Negate I was holding. I knew he was holding a Casualties of a War from my earlier discard, so if his last card was a land, I could say goodbye to my board. For those who followed closely, everything worked out fine as Brad played a very expensive mana source in Paradise Druid. A gargantuan Krasis found my other copy of Duress to clear the way, and Nelson extended the hand. I got paired against another formidable opponent round 13 in Grzegorz Kowalski, who opted out of Oko for the weekend and submitted Jeskai Fires. Game 1 is a bit a blur, I only remember him failing to find his namesake card in a timely fashion and blowing up most of his permanent with Casualties of War. I made a costly mistake during game 2, selecting a 2nd Goose over a Watery Grave, thinking I could protect my gaggle from Clarion with an Aether Gust. That wasn’t accounting for a Teferi hitting the board, and I died with 2 Swamps, 2 Forests and a full grip of blue and 5+ CCM cards. The decider was long and drawn out, with him having fires active for a long while. We went back and forth for a bit, with him eventually having a board of Garruk, Kenrith, 2 Wolves, active Castle Vantress, and a Prison Realm for my Nissa. I drew a Brontodon for the turn, blew up the Realm, committed some wolf cannibalism (my wicked to his token), played a Liliana with exact mana who Bartered in Blood to clear the path to his Garruk for the full Genki Dama. Grzegorz made sure his sideboard options couldn’t grant the right wish and just like that the top 8 was rearing its head. 11-5 is a good result. I would’ve been happy going home with 11 wins at the MC in most circumstances. I’ve only managed to get such a result once in 19 tries. I should be happy even if the chips don’t fall my way in the last few rounds. That’s what I kept telling myself, preparing for the worst. Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa sat down in front of me for my first win and in. In hindsight, I’m glad the path to top 8 was arduous, making the accomplishment all the sweeter. That sure wasn’t what went through my head at the time. I can’t remember much about those games. Maybe I blew up his board with Casualties of Wars at some point. Maybe the duo of maindeck countermagic came in clutch one more time. I’m pretty sure I played very well, but who knows. The only lasting memory of those games is during game 2. I’m attacking for lethal, many turns in. He has 1 unknown card and no blockers. “No blocks” “…” I’ve never been so happy so see someone’s hand reaching for me. I always imagined that I would cry. Or make a lot of noise. But I was just completely stunned. I still can’t, to be honest. With 12 wins, I should be able to double draw in a high seed, but pairings can be tricky at times and I could still find myself in a position where I had to play one or two more matches. I kept pushing my friends away when they tried to congratulate me, keeping my head in the game in case matches still needed to be played. I had to secure that one last match point. While waiting for standings to be posted, I felt a knock on my shoulder. “Do you want to draw in? ” It was Austin Bursavich. He had just defeated Andrew Cuneo, the other x-2 player, so we could only be paired against each other. How anticlimactic! But who cares really? I was about to top 8 a Pro Tour! There came the shout. The jumping up and down. I could let all the tension release and enjoy the victory. I called my parents, posted on social media, all that good jazz. I eventually drew in another time with Eli Kassis, whom I got to ask the question "do you want to Top 8 a Pro Tour". I would be in the 2nd seed spot and the play against 6/7 of the top 8. I eventually shed a couple discrete tears when my friend was giving me a congratulatory hug. Booked a hotel room near the site, as I feared the trusty couch I slept on for the past couple days could be treacherous for such an important night. Many, many people came to congratulate me. It finally felt like the past decade of efforts, disappointments and hardships on the professional scene crystallized into a glorious moment. Ari Lax came up to me and gave me a very sound piece of advice: “You haven’t won the tournament yet”. I couldn’t relax yet. That Sunday was potentially the three most important matches of my career. Precious Mythic points for a Rivals or MPL spot on the line, as well as a Worlds invite and tens of thousands of extra dollars. A trophy, at last. I got backstage for the Top 8 announcement. It has always been one of my favorite moment in the event. All the field is gathered up in front of the big stage, ready to cheer on their friends and peers who worked so hard to be crowned the winner. And this time, I was on the better side of the rope. So many people I look up to, people I have travelled all across the world with, celebrating (in part) my hard work. I shouted “LA FRANCE” at the top of my lungs, but nobody seems to have heard it, aside from Marshall Sutcliff who hit me with a “nice one” and a solid nod. A couple more photos later, all the extended French crew got together for diner. I left early and passed out on my bed early. I woke up shaking at 5 am, unsecure about my chances. Jean-Emmanuel Depraz had sent me a message only minutes earlier, with detailed sideboard plans and tactics for my quarterfinals match-up after staying up most of the night. The cherry on top of all the great work my amazing team did in preparation for the event. I fell back asleep reassured. The tournament hall is surprisingly quiet at 8. 15 am on a Sunday. A few members of staff, judges and the competitors, accompanied by their support crew. Kevin Desprez told me to change sleeves again (as with most of the players remaining), we took some more photos (this time with the trophy! ) and before I knew it, I was sitting in the feature match area for the second time ever. I was paired against Ondrej Strasky, the eventual winner. As quite as the room was, the feature match area is like a temple during the top 8 matches. A very intimate setting, just your opponent, a table judge and you. He flooded a bit on the draw game one, dying to my wolves after I found a decent line that featured Oko’s -5. We joked a lot during testing that using the Thief of Crown’s last ability was always a mistake. Game 2 was very one-sided, a turn 3 Nissa making quick work of me. The last couple of games were caught on camera. I probably messed up game 3, ironically failing to find the better Oko -5 line. Maybe it would have mattered, maybe not. A Mass Manipulation pushed me out of the tournament in game 4. My play was not as tight during those game as it was during the rest of the MC. Blame the stress, the weirdly silent feature table. Blame Worth for all you want. It doesn’t matter. I pushed myself so hard during those past several weeks, and even harder during the tournament. Got handsomely rewarded for it. Hundreds of kind messages supporting me. I have awesome friends and family. You will see my name on the Rivals list for the half 2020 season. My fire to improve and be on top of my game is stronger now than ever. Hopefully I can keep on improving. I’ll be streaming more when I get back from Tokyo. Please watch. Thanks for reading Louis-Samuel Deltour Obligatory MC VI sultai Sb guide edit.
Midnight Family Watch streaming sur internet. Midnight Family Watch stream new. Please another Dellor one. Midnight Family Watch. I love you JORDIE AND AUDG. Star Wars: “They fly now! ” A Quiet Place: “They Drive now! ”. Gracias por este análisis. La vimos en Colombia en el FICCI de Cartagena, hermosa pelicula. Personalmente me intereró mucho cómo la el niño menor de la familia se robaba los corazones del auditorio.
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏. Instead of a dragon they give us a phoenix, quite poetic. The eagle woman being a witch brings a whole new twist to the story Can't wait. Hes so handsome 😍😍😍😭😭😭 forever ben💔💔💔. The part where they fight is so damn detailed cuz like my mom told me the director told them to train individually so that when the fight scene came, it'll be more realistic.
Written by an idiot for idiots to watch.
Midnight family watch streamers.
0:12 there is a eg of Mandela effect the peanut butter name is jiffy but really it's jiff.
Title: I SEE YOU! John Cena : no you can't...
Una pregunta, ¿saben en qué salas se está proyectando el documental.
Midnight Family Watch stream online.
They need to do more dellor stuff.
“I see you” I always wondered when will the FBI will appear as a villain in a horror movie.
Plot twist: It was in his imagination the whole time while he was in Arkham.
8:29 I broke.
Whos here after 92nd oscar nominations.
Dope channel i just started mine cant wait to get bigger.
Midnight Family Watch stream.
Im in love with this already.